Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who attended OokiiSoraCon 2018! We could not have done it without all of your support.

Congratulations to Shadottie, our mascot contest winner for 2019.

mascotcontest2018_ookiisora_epocklington - Erica P

Stay tuned as planning for 2019 is already underway!

Urgent Notice


After researching the issue with our Event/Panel Sign-up Form, it turns out the same issue was effecting ALL Google Form sign-up forms on our website.

If you or someone you know has submitted/signed-up for ANYTHING using the Google Forms and have not received a CONFIRMATION EMAIL, you will need to re-submit the form.

This includes:
Event/Panel Submissions
Cosplay Contest
Skit Contest
AMV Contest
Karaoke Contest
Mascot Contest
Gaming Sign-up
Artists Alley Sign-up
Vendor Sign-up
Cosplay Chess

The identified issue has been resolved.

Thank you for your understanding,

Bryan Bolstad
OokiiSoraCon Chair